The Twilight Saga is a series of fantasy novels written by American author Stephanie Meyer. The first novel “Twilight” was published in 2005, followed by “New Moon”, “Eclipse”, and “Breaking Dawn” in the subsequent years. The story unfolds mostly from the point of view of Bella, a teenage girl who moves in to live with her father in Washington. Here she meets a mysterious yet incredibly handsome boy, Edward, and finds herself getting drawn to him. She soon discovers that he isn't a human, but a 104-year-old vampire who feeds on animal blood. The books explore their journey as they fall in love, separate, and ultimately reunite and form a family. The series created a fantastical world of vampires, werewolves, and other mysterious forces that found enormous appeal among children and teenagers, earning the author multiple awards. The four books were later adapted into films, which became highly popular among young adults.
1. Twilight
2. New Moon
3. Eclipse